Overland Park Elementary Volunteer Opportunities

Lunch Buddies - 30 minutes between 10:40 am-1:00 pm

Reading - one-on-one or group reading opportunities between 3:15-3:50pm


Hospitality Ministry

CARE Team Ministry

One mark of the community of believers is how they love and care for one another.  Our pastors, staff, and members come alongside those who are ill and hospitalized and communicate with visitors and those who are unable to attend worship and other ministries.  Our congregation assists in the following ministries of presence and care: visiting shut-ins, hospital visits, meals for those who are ill or confined to their homes. If you are interested in helping in any of these ministries, please contact the church office (913) 381-1160 for more information.

Greeter Ministry

Greeters at Overland Park Church of the Nazarene are the first people visitors encounter as they arrive.  They welcome visitors, answer questions, and provide directions to Sunday school classrooms and services in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings.  Greeters welcome people either upstairs as they come in the east doors or downstairs as they arrive at the west doors.  For more information about this ministry opportunity, contact the church office 913- 381-1160.

Usher Ministry

Ushers at Overland Park Church of the Nazarene welcome guests as they arrive in the sanctuary by distributing bulletins, and seating visitors.  There are always a couple of people in the foyer during church services handling emergencies and patrolling the building during the services. Because they sometimes escort children, they must be screened and approved in our child safety program.  For more information about this ministry opportunity, contact the church office 913-381-1160.